In BotFrameworkAdapter, How to Use Managed Identity Instead of MicrosoftAppCredentials: A Step-by-Step Guide
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In BotFrameworkAdapter, How to Use Managed Identity Instead of MicrosoftAppCredentials: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with the hassle of MicrosoftAppCredentials in your BotFrameworkAdapter? Do you wish there was a more secure and efficient way to authenticate your bot? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore how to use Managed Identity instead of MicrosoftAppCredentials, and take your bot development experience to the next level.

What is Managed Identity?

Managed Identity is a feature in Azure Active Directory (AAD) that allows your Azure resources to authenticate to Azure services without the need for credentials. Yes, you read that right – no more MicrosoftAppCredentials! With Managed Identity, you can securely authenticate your bot without the risk of credential exposure.

Why Use Managed Identity Over MicrosoftAppCredentials?

  • Security**: Managed Identity eliminates the risk of credential exposure, making it a more secure option for authenticating your bot.
  • Convenience**: No more worrying about rotating credentials or storing them securely. Managed Identity takes care of authentication for you.
  • Simplified Code**: With Managed Identity, you can simplify your code and focus on building a better bot experience for your users.


Before we dive into the tutorial, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Azure subscription with Azure Active Directory (AAD)
  • A bot registered in Azure Bot Service
  • BotFrameworkAdapter installed in your project
  • Visual Studio Code or your preferred code editor

Step 1: Enable Managed Identity for Your Bot

In this step, we’ll enable Managed Identity for your bot in Azure Bot Service.

  1. Log in to the Azure portal and navigate to your Azure Bot Service resource.
  2. Click on the “Identity” tab and toggle the “System assigned” switch to “On”.
  3. Click “Save” to enable Managed Identity for your bot.

That’s it! Your bot now has a managed identity that can be used for authentication.

Step 2: Create a Client Secret for Your Bot

In this step, we’ll create a client secret for your bot in Azure Active Directory.

  1. Navigate to the Azure portal and click on “Azure Active Directory” in the top navigation menu.
  2. Click on “App registrations” and select your bot’s app registration.
  3. Click on “Certificates & secrets” and then click on “New client secret”.
  4. Enter a description for your client secret and click “Add”.

Note down the client secret value, as we’ll need it later.

Step 3: Update Your BotFrameworkAdapter to Use Managed Identity

In this step, we’ll update your BotFrameworkAdapter to use Managed Identity instead of MicrosoftAppCredentials.

using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Adapter;
using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Adapter.Authentication;
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent;
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent.Authentication;

// Create a new instance of the BotFrameworkAdapter
var adapter = new BotFrameworkAdapter(
    new ManagedIdentityAuthentication(
        new DefaultAzureCredential()

In the code above, we’re creating a new instance of the BotFrameworkAdapter and passing in a ManagedIdentityAuthentication object. The ManagedIdentityAuthentication object uses the DefaultAzureCredential class to authenticate using the managed identity.

Step 4: Test Your Bot

In this final step, we’ll test your bot to ensure that it’s using Managed Identity for authentication.

  1. Run your bot code in Visual Studio Code or your preferred code editor.
  2. Use a tool like Postman or cURL to send a message to your bot.
  3. Verify that your bot responds correctly and uses the managed identity for authentication.

That’s it! You’ve successfully switched from MicrosoftAppCredentials to Managed Identity in your BotFrameworkAdapter.


In this article, we’ve explored how to use Managed Identity instead of MicrosoftAppCredentials in your BotFrameworkAdapter. By following these steps, you can simplify your code, improve security, and focus on building a better bot experience for your users.

Remember, Managed Identity is a powerful feature in Azure Active Directory that can be used to authenticate your bot and other Azure resources. By leveraging managed identity, you can take your bot development to the next level and create a more secure and efficient bot experience.

MicrosoftAppCredentials Managed Identity
Risk of credential exposure No risk of credential exposure
Complex code Simplified code
Manual credential rotation Automatic credential rotation

As you can see from the table above, Managed Identity offers several benefits over MicrosoftAppCredentials. By switching to Managed Identity, you can simplify your code, improve security, and create a better bot experience for your users.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between system-assigned and user-assigned managed identity?

A: System-assigned managed identity is a managed identity that is automatically created and managed by Azure. User-assigned managed identity is a managed identity that is created and managed by you. In this article, we used system-assigned managed identity.

Q: Can I use Managed Identity with other Azure services?

A: Yes, you can use Managed Identity with other Azure services, such as Azure Storage, Azure Key Vault, and Azure Cosmos DB.

Q: Is Managed Identity free?

A: Managed Identity is a free feature in Azure Active Directory. However, you may incur costs for other Azure services that you use with Managed Identity.

That’s it for this article! I hope you found this tutorial helpful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of dealing with the hassle of MicrosoftAppCredentials and looking for a more secure and efficient way to authenticate your BotFrameworkAdapter? Look no further! We’ve got the scoop on how to use Managed Identity instead.

What is Managed Identity and how does it differ from MicrosoftAppCredentials?

Managed Identity is a feature in Azure Active Directory (AAD) that allows your bot to authenticate to Azure services without the need to manage credentials. Unlike MicrosoftAppCredentials, which requires you to store and manage your app ID and password, Managed Identity uses a trusted identity that is automatically rotated and managed by Azure, making it a more secure and efficient option.

How do I enable Managed Identity for my BotFrameworkAdapter?

To enable Managed Identity, you’ll need to create a system-assigned managed identity for your Azure resource, such as an Azure Function or Azure App Service. Then, in your BotFrameworkAdapter, you can use the `DefaultAzureCredential` class to authenticate using the managed identity. No more storing and managing credentials!

Do I need to make any changes to my bot’s code to use Managed Identity?

Yes, you’ll need to update your bot’s code to use the `DefaultAzureCredential` class instead of MicrosoftAppCredentials. This involves creating a new instance of the `DefaultAzureCredential` class and passing it to your BotFrameworkAdapter. Don’t worry, it’s a simple change that will make a big impact on your bot’s security and efficiency!

Will I need to update my Azure Bot Service configuration to use Managed Identity?

Yes, you’ll need to update your Azure Bot Service configuration to use the managed identity. Specifically, you’ll need to set the `MSBOT_INDEXER_CREDENTIAL` environment variable to `DefaultAzureCredential`. This will tell your Azure Bot Service to use the managed identity for authentication. Easy peasy!

Are there any benefits to using Managed Identity over MicrosoftAppCredentials?

Absolutely! Using Managed Identity provides several benefits, including improved security, reduced credential management, and increased efficiency. With Managed Identity, you don’t need to store and manage credentials, which reduces the risk of credential theft or exposure. Plus, Managed Identity is automatically rotated and managed by Azure, so you can focus on building your bot instead of worrying about credentials.

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